Monday, July 10, 2023

Do You Remember in Brownsville: "Big Rock."


This historical marker is located Brownsville at the first cast iron bridge in the nation.  It was built in 1836 and most reading this blog have walked past it many times. It was built over Dunlaps Creek, pronounced (creck) by most people in western Pennsylvania.  If you follow the course of this small stream a few miles  upstream, you will come a bend in the creek with a big rock on the bank--hence the name Big Rock.  Water backup at this bend making it a natural swimming and fishing spot. The most direct route from Green Street down past the old city dumb. You could also access by going down over the hill fromold stadium property, now the Brownsville Area High School. When the carnival came to town in the stadium parking lot, the carnival workers would often go down to Big Rock to bath.
 I lived on Green Street on the south side of Brownsville. I am not sure the naming of this spot predated us, or whether we named it. It was a secluded spot and some were known to swim in the altogether(male only), but I don't remember names, and if I did I would not tell you. But it wasn't me.

Our Mom, did allow us to go swimming other than at a pool with a lifeguard.  One day my brother, Allen and I sneaked away with four or five other boys to Big Rock. My Mother got wind of our indiscretion and she was off after us with switch in hand. Big Rock was probable a couple of miles from our house, but she was a parent on a mission. She came down the path to the watering hole and yell through the trees, "Allen and Kenny, get up here!"  There was wild splashing as our friends went for cover. We ran up to the path trying to evade the switch. All the way up the hill and then on home we stayed just out the reach of my Mom's swing. Needless to say, we did not do that any more.
Such were the days in Brownsville, PA.



Do You Remember in Brownsville: "Big Rock."

  This historical marker is located Brownsville at the first cast iron bridge in the nation.  It was built in 1836 and most reading this blo...